Chiropractic Education
Curious to know the type of education that a Chiropractor has?
Check out Dr. Stewart's studies below!
In addition to her bachelor degree studies, Dr. Stewart has completed both her Doctorate in Chiropractic and Masters of Science, Nutrition & Human Performance. These programs include the following courses:
Basic Medical Terminology
Anatomy I & II, with respecting labs
Biochemistry I & II
Cell Biology
Professional Development courses
Philosophy I, II, III, and IV
Spinal Analysis
Spinal Anatomy
Diversified Adjusting Technique I, II, III, IV, and V
Neuroanatomy with respecting lab
Physiology I, II, and III
Microbiology I and II, with respecting labs
Pathology I and II
Public Health, Hygiene and Sanitation
Orthopedics I and II
Logan Basic Technique I, II, and III
Nutritional Science I and II
Neuromusculoskeletal Diagnosis
Fundamentals of Diagnostic Imaging
Physical Diagnosis I and II, with respecting labs
Cardiorespiratory Disorders
Laboratory Diagnosis and Interpretation
Diagnostic Imaging I, II, III, and IV
Radiographic Positioning
Health Center Practicums (treating students & patients): I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Chiropractic Clinical Reasoning
Community Health
Physiotherapy I, II, and III
Soft Tissue Techniques
Patient Communication Skills
EENT Diagnosis
Research Methodology
Gonstead Adjusting Technique
Applied Kinesiology Technique
Advanced Orthopedics
Activator Adjusting Methods I and II
GI/GU Diagnosis
Evidence Informed Practice I and II
Chiropractic Case Management
Athletic Injuries
Upper Cervical Technique
Clinical OB/Gyn
Advanced Biomechanics
Billing and Documentation
Office Management
Clinical Nutrition/Human Systems
Differential Diagnosis
Clinical Psychology
Minor Surgery
Training for Emergencies
Cumulative DC Program Hours: 5063
Master of Science, Concentration in Nutrition & Human Performance
Nutritional Science I, II
Research Methodology
GI/UG Diagnosis
Clinical Nutrition/Human Systems
Lifecycle Nutrition
Natural Therapies: Herbs and Diagnosis
Program Planning and Assessment
Research Methods
Gut Microbiome
Nutrition Capstone
As a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Stewart has completed the national boards set forth by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE). These boards include 5 parts (Parts I - IV and Physiotherapy) with the final board consisting of a practicum. In order to practice within the state of Florida, Dr. Stewart was also required to complete a state jurisprudence exam.
Additional Studies and Certifications In:
Techniques of: Prone Specific, Flexion-Distraction, & Thompson
Kinesiology Taping for Functional Movement
Certified Personal Trainer
Undergraduate Studies in Dance Performance
Advanced Nutrition Certification
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
International Trauma Life Support
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Firefighter II (Illinois Fire Service Institute)
Arson Investigator
Fire Instructor I
Dr. Stewart's Paramedical Studies Included:
Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
Fundamentals of Paramedicine, including:
Roles & Responsibilities
Illness and Injury Prevention
Trauma System/Mechanism of Injury
Hemorrhage and Shock
Soft Tissue Trauma
Head & Face Trauma
Spinal Trauma
Thoracic Trauma
Abdominal Trauma
Musculoskeletal Trauma
Medical-legal, Ethics, Therapeutic Communications
Psychiatric Disorders
Substance Abuse
Abuse & Assault
Cardiology, Neurology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology
Toxicology and Environmental conditions
Medical Incident Command
Rescue Awareness & Operations
Crime Scene Awareness
Paramedic Care Skills, including:
Immobilization and Splinting Techniques
Surgical Airway
Advanced Airway Management
Extrication Techniques
Bleeding Control
IV Therapy
Assessment of pediatric patients and those with special considerations
Respiratory and Cardiac Management
Neurology and Endocrine Management
Mental Health
Medication Administration
12-lead EKG with STEMI Identification
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
International Trauma Life Support
Clinical Experience Including:
500 hours in Clinical Emergency Room Setting and Prehospital EMS
Skills assessments including medication administration and intubation
EMS Pharmacology